WiFi4EU login page
WiFi4EU promotes the installation of public WiFi networks throughout the EU. Municipalities and public bodies can apply for funding; the grants of € 15,000 are awarded and used to finance installation. All the information on the program can be found here.
The following requirements must be met in order to be WiFi4EU compliant:
- The word "WiFi4EU" has to appear in the SSID
- The whole system needs to allow at least 50 simultaneous users/devices
- The project must be running for at least 3 years
- The uplink needs to provide at least a download speed of 30 MBit/s
- No advertisments are allowed
The system itself needs to have the following prerequisites:
- Bandwith management has to be non-discriminatory (default)
- No personal data must be saved (this system is GDPR compliant, though a shorter deletion period may be considered)
- WiFi4EU logo has to be shown (part of this login page theme)
Free login
Free login is mandatory for WiFi4EU. To activate it navigate to Login methods/Free login
Login page
Navigate to Login Page/Login Page Editor - in the lower section under Add new loginpage select the template Wifi4EU Login page and click Add new.
In the list above click on Show/edit next to the new Wifi4EU login page.
On the right navigate to the Page tab and the section Extensions on the bottom. Select Wifi4EU and Save the settings.
A new accordeon section appears at the bottom on the Page tab called WiFi4EU where two settings have to be made:
- After applying to host a WiFi4EU Network, a Network ID will be assigned.
It has the format of an UUID likeaaaaaaa-bbbbb-cccc-ddddd-eeeeeeeeee
If no ID has been obtained yet, select the checkbox Test mode below.
- Link to WiFi4EU Javascript is by default https://collection.wifi4eu.ec.europa.eu/wifi4eu.min.js but may change in the future.
Activate this login page
Now the Wifi4EU login page is ready. Navigate to Login Page/Login Page Editor. In the top section Active login pages select the new Wifi4EU login page and click on Save.