Metapace T-40

A ticket printer can only connect to one IACBOX at a time.
The Lite Version of the IACBOX supports 2 Ticket Printers while the full version supports up to 100 Ticket Printers.


The Metaspace T-40 ticket printer usually gets shipped with deactivated DHCP-settings, which have to be activated before the IACBOX will be able to connect to the printer.

Before turning on the printer, press the Feed Button and hold it while turning it on. The ticket printer will print the current configuration.
Afterwards press and hold the Feed Button to enter the configuration.
In the Main Menu press the Feed Button 8 times short and 1 time long to enter the Ethernet Configuration*.
Arrived in the Ethernet Configauration press 5 times short and 1 time long to enter the DHCP Settings.
Inside the DHCP Settings press the Feed Button 2 times short and 1 time long to enable DHCP.
Back in Ethernet Configuration press 2 times short and 1 time long to Save and Exit.
Back in Main Menu press the Feed Button 2 times short and 1 time long to print the self-test again.

To finish the self-test press the Feed Button 1 time short
Back in the Main Menu press again 1 time short and 1 time long to exit the configuration.

Webadmin Configuration

After determining or adjusting the network settings, you can add the ticket printer in the IACBOX WebAdmin menu Printing/Ticket printer.

Paper Width Configuration

The Metaspace T-40 only supports 80mm paper. Therefore, a additional paper width configuration on the printer itself is not neccessary. But the IACBOX still needs to know the paper size, in order to print the layouts correctly.

Therefore navigate to the WebAdmin menu Printing/Ticket printer and set the paper width in the layout section of the displayed table.
