Request handler


A request handler intercepts some requests, but not all. Depending on specific request parameters that can be defined. Every request passes many built-in handlers - for example a NotFoundHandler that shows a 404 Not Found page.

RequestHandlerExtension class

To create a new custom request handler extend the Iacbox\Loginpage\Extension\RequestHandlerExtension class.

Class reference
 * Returns the priority of extension which defaults to LoginpageCallback::PRIO_DEFAULT = 50.
 * Override this method to return a higher or lower priority for this extension. This influences the order of executed handlers.
 * @return int Priority of Extension (0 = lowest; 100 = highest) - default is 50
public function getPriority():int {}

 * Returns name which is used in login page editor
 * Override this method to set display name of the extension in the login page editor
 * @return string Name displayed in editor
public function getDisplayName():string {}

 * Runs immeadiatly after ReequestHandler is loaded
 * Override this method to run code immeadiatly afeter extension is loaded
 * @return void
public function onLoaded() {}

 * The method a request is passed to before the login page logic and rendering starts
 * Override this method to process the request before login page logic starts
 * @param Request $request The Request object encapsulation all needed fields and abstracting the super globals away
 * @return Response Response send to login page
public function processRequest(Request &$request):?Response {}

 * Returns an instance of RenderHelper
 * @return RenderHelper Instance of RenderHelper
public function getRenderHelper():RenderHelper {}

 * Check if code is called in the login page editor preview
 * @return bool true if called in login page editor
public function inPreviewMode():bool {}

 * Check if code is called while the production login page is rendered
 * @return bool true if called in login page
public function inProductionMode():bool {}

 * Logs error for debugging
 * @param string $message Message displayed
 * @param Throwable $error PHP exception for message and stack trace
 * @return void
public function logError(string $message, Throwable $error = null) {}

 * Logs warning for debugging 
 * @param string $message Message displayed
 * @return void
public function logWarning(string $message) {}

 * Logs info for debugging 
 * @param string $message Message displayed
 * @return void
public function logInfo(string $message) {}

 * Returns config for extension set in login page editor
 * @param Request $request Request from login page
 * @param bool $forceReload force reloading of config 
 * @return array Config hash from extension config or empty hash if no config found
protected function getPageConfig():?array {}

 * Creates redirect reponse to login page with get params added
 * @param string $getParam Get params added to url (default = null)
 * @return Response Response send to login page
public function redirToLoginPage(?string $getParam = null):Response {}

// Do not overwrite in extensions!
// Required for correct working extensions

public function setRouter(Router $router) {}
public function __construct(Translations $translations) {}


A handler either

  1. handles the request and returns an Response instance
  2. is not interested in this request and returns null so the next handler in the chain proceeds



namespace Iacbox\Loginpage\Extension\MyCustomHandler;

use Iacbox\Loginpage\Extension\RequestHandlerExtension;
use Iacbox\Loginpage\Request;
use Iacbox\Loginpage\Session;
use Iacbox\Loginpage\Response;

class MyCustomHandlerExtension extends RequestHandlerExtension {

	public function processRequest(Request $request):?Response {
		// first set a condition that decides if this request should be handled or not
		if (!$request->isPost() || !$request->getPostParam('myVar')) {
			// condition not met - let request pass
			return null;

		// condition met - handle request
		$response = [
			'status' => 'ok',
			'data' => ''
		// return an JSON encoded 
		return Response::createJSONResponse($response);
