LinkedIn Login

The login with LinkedIn Credentials is meant to be free, guests can not be charged.
The LinkedIn login requires at least one valid ticket template, configured as 0€ (free).

Developer Account

In order to create a LinkedIn app, you will require a LinkedIn Developer Account. Currently you can transform your regular LinkedIn Account into an LinkedIn Developer Account here.

Creating the LinkedIn App

Now create a new application by clicking on My apps, Create app.

Enter a name for your app, as well as your LinkedIn Page. The Page will be linked with the app.


You need to link your company page in LinkedIn to this app. Completing the form and clicking on the Create app button, will create your app.

Afterwards you will be forwarded to the App Settings screen, where you can immediately click on the Auth tab.


To reveal Client Secret you can click on the eye icon.

Further down you will find OAuth 2.0 settings where you need to enter Authorized redirect URLs for your app by clicking the pencil icon on the right, and click on Update button upon finishing.


Enter the loginpage URL as Authorized redirect URL:

Next switch to the Products tab, select Sign In with LinkedIn and accept the legal agreement popup to add the product.



The newly added product Sign In with LinkedIn needs to be reviewed first before it can be used. Once the review is done and the product is added successfully, the LinkedIn login is ready.

WebAdmin Configuration

In WebAdmin navigate to Login methods/Social networks and activate LinkedIn. Enter your Client ID and Client Secret from before.


Click Save and activate Social Login method in Default login page. If you have any other login page, you need to activate it by editing your particular login page.

Login page

After saving this configuration it will take effect immediately and an option to log in with your LinkedIn account will be displayed on the login page.


If you’ve created a new theme of the login page, then you may need to manually activate LinkedIn Login as login method for it to become visible. This can be done by editing the currently active theme in the WebAdmin menu Login page/Login page editor. In the editor, find and click on Login box 1 (left bottom corner) and then in top right corner, select Social networks in the Tab Element. Proceed by clicking on Save. This will enable the LinkedIn Login in your theme.

Stored Data

Successful authentications will be saved and can be accessed in the WebAdmin menu Reporting/Collected user data. Please ensure handling the saved data is compliant with the GDPR regulations.