Local User

Local Users can be configured to allow the login with pre-defined credentials for Username & Password or just a single Password. This feature is often used to provide one single authentication for visitors, or to separate access for employees without the need of an external database.


The Local Users configuration can be found and activated in the WebAdmin menu Users/Tickets - Users.

This login method is disabled by default. In order to configure it, it first has to be activated via the Activate button. Afterwards, new users can be added via the Create button.




  • Password Login: By activating this checkbox, you can limit the authentication to a single password. Note that this will require to enable the Password Only/PIN login on the login page. Adding login methods is easy, please follow the instructions here: Login page editor
  • Username: The desired user name used to authenticate this user. If the checkbox Password Login is activated, then this field will be hidden-
  • Password: The desired password for this user. Note that the minimum password length can be adjusted in the WebAdmin menu Users/Tickets - Ticket defaults, but if no username is used, then it must be at least 7 characters long.
  • Description: The description is only used for internal management reasons and not visible to the user. It will be shown in the table-overview of Local Users.
  • Name: Same as the description, the Name field is available so a large amount of users can be managed better.
  • Email: Same as the description and the name, this field serves the purpose to make management easier if large amounts of users have been added.
  • Ticket Template: Select the ticket template which should be used for this local user.
  • Max Devices: This field is important: It defines how many devices can be online with this Local User simultaneously. If one local user is meant to be used by many devices (e.g. the same Local User for all visitors), then this field should be set to reflect the expected amount of online devices.
  • Renew: This value describes the time period which needs to expire until a device can create a new ticket of this type again. The Renew time will start with the first log-in of a ticket and is handled per device. If it is set to e.g. 1 week, then this means that the device can create the same ticket again 7 days after the current ticket was created. Another good use-case for this is to set up tickets to be valid for a few hours in the used Ticket Template and then to limit it to only one ticket per day by setting the Renew time to 1 day. If devices should be able to immediately create a new ticket after a previous ticket expired, then the Renew time can simply be set to Now.
  • Valid from and to: In case this local user should be set up for one-time use, the allowed from- and to dates can be set here. If this local user should be available indefinitely, then simply leave these values checked as Default.

Password Policies

Password Policies can either be set up while creating and editing a new Local User, or a default can be configured in the Password Settings tab. This configuration allows to set up rules for:

  • Change password at next login: Allows the device to change the pre-set password upon the next successful login.
  • Change password every X days: Defines the interval of days in which the password has to be changed after successful login.
  • Password Length: The minimal password length.


If set up in the Password Settings tab, then the option “Forgot password” can also be enabled. This allows the ticket user to reset the password by receiving an email. In order to be able to send emails, please verify that a valid SMTP server has been configured in the WebAdmin menu Network/Settings.